ESS Snowy Winter Aromatherapy & Body Scrub Treatment


Clear winter-weary minds with this refreshing blend of warming essential oils.

What You'll Need:

Massage Oil & Body Scrub

Cost Per Treatment: $2.12
Time: 45 minutes
What to Charge: $100-$110

What You'll Need:


  • 1 Medium Rubber Mixing Bowl
  • 1 Small Rubber Mixing Bowl Spoon/Spatula/
  • Measuring Utensils
  • 6 Rolled Warm Towels in Hot Towel Warmer
  • Sheets
  • Plastic Sheet


Dry, dull, dehydrated skin.


  • Mix essential oils and carrier oil in medium bowl
  • Pour half the oil into second rubber bowl
  • Bowl 1 will be used for the massage
  • Bowl 2 will be mixed with 1/4 cup of Himalayan salts for the body scrub
  • Place both bowls in hot towel warmer
  • Prepare the top layer of the table with a protective covering using towels for proper draping. Bottom layer will have the sheet and drape sheet for the massage portion of the treatment

What to Do:

1. Assist the guest onto a properly draped table, lying on his / her back.

2. Remove the warm snowy winter scrub from the hot towel warmer. The temperature of the product at application should be between 110° and 120° F. Be sure the temperature feels comfortable to the guest.

3. Using your hands and beginning at the feet, apply the warm salt scrub mixture using light strokes toward the heart. Begin with slow circular motions and gradually speed up. Special attention should be given to dry, rough areas such as the heels, feet, and knees.

4. Continue this process up the body to the back of the neck. Scrub the back of your guest’s arms.

5. If you do not have a shower in your treatment room, remove hot towels from your towel warmer and remove Himalayan salt scrub from the guest’s back before turning them over. Repeat process on guest in supine position and remove Himalayan salt scrub before beginning massage. Move on to step 7.

6. If your treatment room has a shower, assist your guest off the table to rinse off the salt scrub. Remove protective layer on your table and prepare the table for the massage. Move on to step 8.

7. Using the roll technique, remove the plastic sheet and towels. The guest will now be on a clean, dry surface.

8. Remove heated snowy winter oil from hot towel warmer. Complete a soothing and relaxing massage with your client to melt away all of the day’s stress.

Known Contraindications

Should not be performed immediately after shaving or waxing. Do not rub on sensitive areas, areas of telangiectasia, sunburn, open wounds, infection, or inflammation. Pregnancy, high blood pressure, diabetes, and the inability to withstand heat.

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