Maximize Your Massage Therapy or Esthetics Career Longevity

By Lori Vargas, founder of 360 Wellness Education

As a professional in a hands-on field, whether it be massage therapy or another occupation, the health of your hands and arms are crucial to your daily work. Overuse injuries and stress can impact your performance and quality of life. Here are three strategies to help you maintain the longevity of your hands, arms and body.

Relieve Tightness in Overused Forearms with Silicone Cups

One way to ensure your career longevity is by focusing on the health and well-being of your forearms. You likely use your forearms a lot, which can lead to tightness and discomfort. One effective way to alleviate this tightness is by using silicone cups.

To use silicone cups, simply place the cup on the tight area and move it in a circular motion. This creates a suction effect that helps to loosen the muscles and increase blood flow. You can use the cups before a session to warm up your forearms or afterwards to help them recover.

Incorporating self-care practices like using silicone cups into your routine can help you stay healthy and prevent burnout, so you can continue to thrive in your career.

Hand Stretches for Sore and Stiff Hands

By the end of a long shift, your hands may feel stiff and sore, which can make it difficult to provide the best possible service to your clients.

To keep your hands feeling strong and healthy, it's important to incorporate hand stretches into your daily routine. Stretching your hands can help to improve circulation, reduce tension, and increase flexibility.

Remember to be gentle and listen to your body as you perform these stretches. Overstretching can cause injury, so it's important to stop if you feel any pain.

By taking a few minutes each day to stretch your hands, you can help to ensure that you can continue to provide the best possible care to your clients. Investing in the health and well-being of your hands is critical for maintaining a successful career as a massage therapist or esthetician.

Hand & Upper Body Stretch Routine

Is your lower back achy by the end of your shift? By the end of a long shift, you may feel stiff and sore, which can make it difficult to provide the best possible service to your clients.

To keep your body feeling loose and flexible, try incorporating a hand and upper body stretch routine into your daily routine.

Remember to be gentle and listen to your body as you perform these stretches. Overstretching can cause injury, so it's important to stop if you feel any pain.

Try Bellabaci Hand-Squeezable Medical Grade Silicone Cups

Help reduce wrist strain by using Bellabaci cups during a variety of facial and body services. No heat or pumps required. Also, when paired with Bellabaci's targeted massage oils, the cups deliver specialized treatments for each client. All of their products are made in South Africa and are certified cruelty-free and vegan by PETA .

Try Bellabaci cups today and discover the power of cupping!

About Lori Vargas, MBA (she, her, hers)

Lori Vargas, founder of 360 Wellness Education, has over 20 years in the spa industry as a founder of multiple spas, a massage school, and as a spa consultant. She also has 14 years of experience guiding Fortune 500 Companies with corporate strategies and business development. Lori holds a CPA and MBA from the University of Chicago.

To complement her online 360 Wellness Education courses, Lori has created an educational community focused on connections and growth through 360 Wellness Education CORE Membership. This membership provides easy access to affordable on-demand advanced education, live webinars (sip & learn style), Facebook private group, newsletters, and live events. Follow on Instagram at @360WellnessEducation .

In addition to CORE Membership and her other online courses, Lori offers 360 Business Workshops. This live webinar series focuses on business start-up and development, sharing valuable insight, advice, and templates to jumpstart business growth and maximize success.

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